Thursday, November 26, 2009


We currently do not have any furniture in our apartment, which is why I'm eating pasta on the floor. It's almost becoming somewhat of a theme. Or "följetong", as we would say in Swedish. I don't know what the Sri Lankan word for theme is. That is why we have google, people.

Also, I've been thinking about New York lately. I have no desire to move there now, but it's always been my ambition to move there at some point, at least. Life there is too intense for what I'm after right now. And right now, I don't feel like living in a city where people don't hang out during the day. I'd like to think that there are other things to do but work and party. Especially when 98 % of the parties consist of standing around, trying to be be cooler and caring less about shit than everyone else. At least on Manhattan. So, what age shall we say then? Maybe 26? 28? 32? To be honest, I'll probably move to New York when I'm under the faux impression that I'm at my peak in life, and then I'll leave again because I'll realize that I actually don't want any part of it.

Until then, I'm just going to continue watching Charlie in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". He is, without a doubt, my favorite character right now.


ghaz said...

fet icke-word på den här texten alltså. tycker inte alls att det är den typen av vibe på klubbarna i manhattan. i mean, det finns nog sånna också men vi har ju gått till samma ställen och jag har inte alls känt av den grejen. det du beskriver är för mig sthlm.

robmonZter said...

the taste is like the ass.