Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sweden and the insignificance of the rest

While being over here, I've discovered that not many americans are familiar with scandinavia and how things work over there. There are many beloved inventions over here that need be credited. IKEA, The Knife, the zipper and the original coca-cola bottle, just to name a few. Therefore, I feel that it is absolutely essential that you understand the hierarchy in which all of these countries exist. And that hierarchy is that all the scandinavian countries, except for Sweden, basically suck. I guess there are many ways to list the Scandinavian countries. This list is mine and it is correct.

#2 Denmark: My judgement on this is definitely going to be tainted by a tourist I overheard the other day. I was a fat person who complained to his wife because he didn't get enough cheese on his hamburger. He was annoying for numerous reasons. He was fat enough to have things orbit around him when he walked down the street, and danish(to me) sounds like Chewbacca trying to sing James Brown songs backwards. Copenhagen is what's keeping Denmark ahead of Norway. When talking about moving to either Denmark or Norway, the term "Sophie's choice" acquires a whole new meaning.

#3 Norway: Norwegians have more money than we do, so do Danish people. That seems to really bother my parents, but I refuse to be intimidated by someone who has only been an independent nation for about 17 minutes and who has a cultural heritage that consists of shiny fish that swim upstream, The scream and Royksopp.

#4 Finland: Nobody cares about Finland.

#5 Iceland: There is definitely nobody who cares about Iceland. Except for J R R Tolkien, and he was a weirdo. That's right, I went there.

So if residing in Scandinavia is something that you plan on doing, keep in mind that Sweden has the greatest number of cool cities in all of Scandinavia. We have them in plural. That means we have two. Denmark has one, Iceland and Finland have half of one together. Purgatory sounds more appealing than Oslo. I guess, in conclusion, Sweden is the best out of all the Scandinavian countries. Disregarding Switzerland, of course.

I'm bringing back one of my favorite songs. Sorry, I forgot to post pictures from San fran, Santa Cruz and Berkeley. I'll post them in two sets, first one comes on Thursday, I think. Then it's Coachella.

// Robbin


Clémence Polès said...
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Anonymous said...

alltså island kommer ju lätt före finland! vilken miss. alltså seriöst, island har iaf björk, dvärgponnys och varma källor. ok, nu ogillar jag verkligen island men finland är liksom jämförbart med svalbard. INGET händer där. och alla är rasister. och alkisar. och en rolig notis; de måste lära sig svenska i skolan! så alla pratar svenska men vi svenskar känner inte ens till att de måste det. fatta vilken bummer. sverige är snyggingen i gänget och finland är den inställsamma losern. när jag kollar på kartan så tycker jag att det ser ut som att sverige spoonar norge och kittlar danmark med tårna och vänder ryggen mot finland.