Monday, June 29, 2009

No, I don't want to visit.

Everyone's always talking about their favorite countries, favorite places, favorite foods, favorite positions, favorite movies, favorite animals etc. You get the picture. Lately, I've been thinking about the first of above mentioned, except not really. I've been thinking, which countries would I least like to visit? Let's make it a top five, should we?

#5 Russia - The country of Russia actually sounds really appealing, but I can't help it. I'm really scared that I would get killed by someone who thinks my race of people just learned how to walk up straight like 15 minutes ago. We didn't, okay? We invented chess, you asshole. Now let me ride your cool railway-thingy.

#4 Thailand - This was a difficult choice. It's not like I think Thailand as a country is lame and has nothing to offer. It's just that I don't feel like going halfway around the world, just to order food in Swedish, spend my days drinking roofied drinks out of something the size of a drain pipe, and then end the night by shooting elephants from my balcony with the rest of the European morons. I would bet every penny I own on the fact that Thai people absolutely despise tourists. I don't blame them, since the only ones they meet behave like retarded 5 year olds.

#3 Purgatory - Not a country, but still. I doesn't sound very appealing.

#2 Australia - Stalingrad anno 1944 mixed with Shawshank prison, A Clockwork Orange, herpes, and eating my own head sounds more appealing.

#1 Australia - I really do not want to go.


ebba said...

förstår inte heller varför man skulle vilja åka till australien, plus deras dialekt är skitful.

gino said...

whats wrong with australia?

jenn said...

robin, first of all, thanks for writing in English. so I don't need to do the shitty google translate. second, I do agree with australia. though, don't thiland. what's the problem? that's my the most desire country I would visit. I know it sounds a bit cliché. well, btw, thinking that you should write about "which two animal can be rules the world". I am still thinking "polarbear + dolphin" is the best!

robmonZter said...

gino - if you can tell me what's right about australia, I'll buy your ticket there.

jenn - like I was saying, I think Thailand as a country seems realy appealing. It's just that the mix between ugly, drunk brits who try to bargain on prostitutes, and white people with dreadlocks, just doesn't sound very appealing. I will take you r animal proposition under serious consideration.

jenn said...

ok, those ugly drunk brit guys would buy me a beer. so that should be fine by me.

gino said...

i guess its because i lived there most of my life and loved it, but i guess it's just different from foreigners to understand! but i agree with all of you about thailand i spent a weekend there and it was awesome.