-Picasso's full name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno de los Remedios Crispin Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
-During 2009, Iceland spent an impressive zero dollars on homeland security and defense.
-In Canada, they have a landing strip, that can only be used by UFOs.
-Over 2 million people worldwide masturbated to the Victoria's Secret show in 2000. The show earned 2 million dollars for charity. That's about 1 dollar per online-ejaculation.
-In 2004, the Ferrari F1 team managed to cheat their way to winning 15 out of 18 races. Millions of people saw this happen, but no questions were asked. Everyone just thought they were that much better than everyone else at driving a car.
-The American Donald Hayes is confirmed to be the worlds loneliest person, after having gotten a stunning 55 160 points playing Space Invaders. His points appear to be significantly higher on his birthday.
-Australia has a grand total of 21 million losers within its borders.
-My dog Caesar, a Mastiff, was part of a breed where the average male dog weighs between 70-90 kilos.
-The North Korean currency of Won, used to have a set relation of 2.16 to the American dollar, because Kim Jong Il's birthday is February 16th.
Merry christmas, my friends. I will be posting loads of pictures fairly soon.
awesome facts: get your ass back to facebook din jävla tönt!!!!!!!!!! hur ska man kommunicera med dig? jag har ju för fan inte ens ditt nummer. hatar dig. regga ditt fb-konto igen, sluta lek SPECIELL. cause you aint. TÖNT. puss
venne vem av er som skriver, men båda har ju min mail?
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