Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Still That I Like Part V

Sometimes, I feel really proud being Swedish. Is that strange, considering the cirumstances? It might be ridiculous, but I decided to analyze this feeling anyways. In most instances where this feeling occurs, it's regarding something creative. I always see things from Sweden(clothes, pictures, movies etc) and I'm always struck by how tasteful and fine-tuned everything is. That, of course, would be a consequence of Sweden's general wellfare. A self-made wellfare, mind you. Every single person I know has been able to try pretty much whatever hobby they were interested in. I probably went through twenty of them before landing on photography. I could do that, because there was never any direct pressure on me. I didn't have to provide for anyone, and I never had to achieve anything in particular by a certain age. Only if I wanted to. I think that's what I'm actually proud of when I see something creative from Sweden. My mind knows that all that stuff comes from diversity, that people are fusing 15 old semi-hobbies into their main passion. We were given those opportunities by our parents, and their parents. I didn't help build that. Hence, can I still feel proud of Sweden's creative encouragement, even though I'm too young to have helped build it? And you guys thought I had doubts because I'm black. Shame on you.

Anyways, all stills this time are from "Let The Right One In" or "Låt Den Rätte Komma In" from 2008. The book is better, but the film looks fucking fantastic.

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