Sunday, April 19, 2009

"who wants to get f'cked

These are the two lovely ladies I'm staying with, Laura and Erin. Erin has two main interests. One: She enjoys hitting me over the head on the dancefloor. Two: She enjoys putting her fist down my throat. That also happened on a dancefloor. Last night, as we were walking to Ethan's place, Erin got a very generous offer:

Drunk man: "Hey, who wants to get fucked?"
Erin&Me: ................... (not wanting to get fucked)
Drunk man: (Looks at Erin) "I have 50 dollars, who wants to get fucked?"

After having gracefully declined that fine offer, we couldn't help but conclude that 50 dollars is not a very generous offer. In fact, 50 dollars is worth less than a monthly Subway-card. How unflattering.

In other news, I went to a fun punk-show on Thursday, and then possibly got rufied on Friday. Good times. Except for the rufie part.

Did you guys hear about the fat German tourist that went into the polar bear cage in Berlin and nearly got eaten. Now, is it just me, or is that fucking hilarious? I mean, how does one even get into the polar bear cage? Especially if one is obese to the point of absolute disgrace? I saw the footage of them trying to fish her out, dropping her and then trying again. I can't really decide on how much funnier it was because she was fat. 50 %?

EDIT: I was unaware of the fact that the German lady was mentally ill. I wouldn't have made fun of her if I had known. My apologies.


ghaz said...

mental insanity is the reason, and it's fucking sad as hell and not hilarious.

robmonZter said...

okay fair enough, that makes it not so funny anymore.

anton said...

the fun part is that bild zeitung thought the most newsworthy thing about this story was that the most loved polar bear - knut - was innocent.

knut is, by the way, also mentally insane.

robmonZter said...
