Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Semi-album of pictures from Berlin. Uncensored.

I still haven't posted pictures from when I spent New Years in Berlin with my buddies. This was because not all of them weren't developed yet. They still aren't but I think I lost the other films, and so I'll just post the few ones I have. This was probably one of the most fun New Year week-ends I've ever spent. New Years always suck otherwise, but this one was actually fun. Also, I'm warning you, there will be a picture of a person wearing a gimp wrestler mask. It's disturbing. To erase the gross-ness and change the whole scenario into heroin-chic, we placed a Mac next to him. Enjoy.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that last bit?"

Dr. Pong

1 comment:

ghaz said...

vad är grejen med linus och badkar?