Thursday, February 26, 2009

Those bug chasers sure are strange.

33 million people worldwide have the disease labeled as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, more commonly known as AIDS. I started reading about it on Wikipedia and now I can't seem to stop. Apparently, HIV originated in west-central Africa during the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. I also read somewhere that AIDS was originally a monkey virus. Doesn't that make our current pandemic kind of strange, at least if you combine it with the fact that the disease only travels in these ways:

-Anal sex, vaginal sex, oral sex
-Blood transfusion
-Contaminated hypodermic needles
-Exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy

I don't know about you guys, but I have never done any of those things to/with a monkey. Even I was really drunk, I don't think I'd consider any of them. In fact, I can almost say for sure that I wouldn't.

Another strange thing I read, was within all the myths that are related to AIDS. Apparently, some people believe that the cure for the disease involves having sex with a virgin. Now, what fucking tit of a fool came up with that? If I apply even a little logic to this theory, that means I am 100% sick, and the girl is 0% sick, thus the two of us having sex should bring us both to an even 50%. That just means now both of us are sick, you fucking dickheads. The only difference is that I am now half the amount of terminally ill. I guess your twisted logic fits your purpose much better, meaning that her divine cleanliness magically brings your 100% down to 0%. No fucking way, I refuse to believe that theory was made up by someone who genuinely thought he could get rid of his disease that way. Quite the opposite, it was made up by a man who had just come to terms with his fatal illness, and simply asked himself: "What do I want to do before I die?"

Another thing I discovered, was the phenomenon of "bug chasers". Bug chasers are homosexual men that desire and actively pursue an HIV infection. Sometimes, they organize "bug parties", where HIV positive and negative men engage in unprotected sex, in hopes of acquiring HIV. Now, I can't really decide if that's the best or worst party idea ever. I mean, on one hand, everyone will pretty much be fucking each other, not like, but because there's no tomorrow. On the other hand, it doesn't really have potential for being an annual thing, does it? At least not with the same crowd.'s definitely the worst party idea ever.

I have been reading a lot about this, and I don't understand half of all the facts that actually lie behind this disease. There are symptoms here, causes there, a bunch of labor terms, and I even think I saw the name Ezy-E somewhere in there. It's all very confusing. All I know is that there are so many important issues in this world, and so many people are trying to sway your opinion closer to theirs. I don't deny people that right. I know that there are two sides to every story, but after reading about it for half an hour or so, I have to take a stand. If have to make an informed decision. And so, I have decided that I am most definitely against AIDS.

Yes, definitely against it. For sure.


ghaz said...

asså bug chaser, oh my days. nån borde intervjua en bug chaser och see what the fuck is up?!

men det där med apan är ju känt, it all began med nån kåt ensam stackare i djungeln.

men asså fatta att hela den där six degrees of separation-teorin verkligen bevisas genom aids. om det nu var EN snubbe (utgår från att det var en man, tvivlar på att kvinna någonsin skulle vara så dum att hon skulle nuppa en apa) som startade skiten that is.

undra om han visste vad FAN han har ställt till med? snacka om historiskt ligg. undra om han är stolt? på ett såntdär sjukt "jag sköt john lennon"-sätt.

ghaz said...

btw, wikiläsning av högsta kvalité;

Anonymous said...

bug chasing is more of media hype than reality.

it has been put forth by some the hiv was transmitted to humans by the practice of eating live monkey brains. a common practice in some parts of the world [if you research this topic you will see sick shit - fair warned]