Monday, August 31, 2009

Stop bugging me.

Most of the people who know me, will also know that I don’t have a drivers license. Especially in Sweden, that is considered quite weird. Like I have a wart on my forehead or something. In my defense, getting a drivers license is essentially spending 2000 euros on something that is going to cost you even more money in the future, simply out of convenience.

To me, getting a license when one is 22 years old, is as dumb as starting smoking when one is 20. It’s okay to have gotten a drivers license when you were 18, the same way it’s understandable that you started smoking when you were 15. It was new, exciting, and everyone else was doing it. But getting one now, when one knows better, would be unforgivably dumb. It’s the exact same thing with smoking. Both are expensive, potentially bad for you and are potentially bad for everyone around you. If you're over 20 years old and not a complete and utter retard, just ride public transport.

In conclusion, I think people should be allowed to smoke in bars, because all bars smell like sweat, beer and farts these days. I have a shoot tomorrow and I'm feeling a bit stressed. Therefore, I'm listening to two of my favorite soothing songs, one from the album Talkie Walkie, and one from The virgin Suicides soundtrack:


s said...


Jonna. said...


jag skaffade mitt när jag var 19 och har de följande 3 åren kört bil uppskattningsvis 10 gånger. money well spent, not

Anonymous said...

Ta ett körkort Robin!
Jag betalar

robmonZter said...

det finns annat du kan betala för