Monday, August 24, 2009

Oink, final part of snapshot series.

Now, I've traveled to a fair amount of countries. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a "citizen of the world", but that's mainly because that is a dumb expression to begin with. Now, since I have been traveling for a couple of years, it has been inevitable for me to experience different sorts of language barriers. Some valid, some not. I've spent countless hours trying to synchronize with someone, talking about stuff that's simply a means for us to reach that sublime level where you both nod your heads, and agree it's time to stop talking about Erasmus-nonsense.

I fully understand that some languages are more difficult to learn, and that you should cut people some slack. What I can't deal with, is laziness. When a certain type of people just don't make an effort. In this case, I'm talking about every single person on the planet. See, what I've been wondering lately, is why no language seems to have an appropriate pig-sound in writing? Pigs do not go "oink", nor do they go "nöff". Since every single person reading this, just imitated a pig to evaluate the situation, we can all now agree on the fact that the inhaling bit is the problem. But seriously, how is it that we can walk on the moon, and not find an appropriate letter/syllable that represents an inhale? Stupid. Anyway, here's the final part of my latest snapshot-series. Enjoy. I did.

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