Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Giving thanks

I feel that it's important to appreciate the suttle things in life. While sitting on one of the disgusting, nasty and absolutely vial planes of Ryanair today, I realised that I am thankful for a number of things in life. For instance, I am thankful for:

-Google Inc.
-The fact that I'm not Danish.
-The fact that the guy who thought it'd be a good idea to put pickles and onions on hamburgers, is probably dead.
-The movie Kung Fu Panda.
-The fact that I don't know the difference between maroon and burgundy, since that would mean I care about things that don't matter.
-Partially getting over my jinxing-phobia.
-Not being one of the idiots in Sweden that say "Negerboll".
-My friends and family.

Just figured I'd let you know.

p.s My cabin baggage was 150 grams under the allowed weight. Thank you, and go fuck yourselves Ryanair.

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