Sunday, May 10, 2009

we can sit around and watch neeetfliiix

This post will be dedicated to two things. First things first, Netflix might be the lamest company ever. Netflix is the nemesis, the Lex Luthor and complete fucking polar opposite of Google. Google inspires people to take initiative(ie find shit out for themselves), like "Which is the 'any' key"? Netflix just encourages people to start an intimate and utterly pathetic relationship with their TV/computer. In fact, I have never ever met anyone who actually got cooler after getting Netflix. I'd say, the only significant difference is that with Netflix, people pretend to do their homework more often. Weak.

The second part of this post is, to everyone's great surprise, a list. This time it is a list of things that simply are not okay anymore:

-Drinking Bacardi Breezers: You can disregard this one if you are A.) Mormon B.) Allergic to everything else in the entire world C.) Eight years old.
-Twitter: I doubt that was every okay.
-Updating your Facebook status more than once a day: We can all tell you just gave up Twitter, and appreciate that, but still.
-Having hairless cats: I honestly don't understand why some people feel the need to spend large sums of money on something that looks like a cross breed between a turtle, a rat, and beef jerky.
-Having hairless dogs: "I was on the waiting list for 3 years, but I finally own a living thing that looks like it miraculously managed to turn itself inside out."
-Moving to Paris: That city has been cool now for like 800 years. Is the rest of the world really that lame? I doubt it.
-Obama T-shirts: Period.
-Quoting Zoolander and Borat: It was funny for about fifteen minutes. Face the facts, you missed your window. Move on.
-Owning an SLR-camera: It's the fannypack of the 21st century, I kid you not. Carrying one around is critically uncool.
-Owning the Garden State Official Soundtrack: Judging by demographic standards, you probably don't even have a job, but you thought that terrible compilation was worth 20 dollars? For shame.
-The movie "Angels & Demons": It's not okay anymore, and I don't even think it's out yet.
-Tyra Banks: Enough is enough. God, that woman is obnoxious.

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