Monday, May 11, 2009

watching porn when you have a girlfriend.

I was discussing this topic with Max the other day and we concluded that watching porn when you have a girlfriend is kind of like taking the bus when you have a nice car at home. Most people would say watching porn while having a girlfriend is stupid, but if you think about it, taking the bus can actually be really nice sometimes. It's way less stressful and it can be nice to just get on, pay your fare, relax and let someone else drive for a while. Sure, it might be less exciting and sometimes more time-consuming taking the bus, but in the end, you'll still get to the place where you want to be. Plus, if you're just dating someone, after having paid all the fees that come with having a car, the bus will probably be cheaper. Besides, public transport is better for the environment.


Jonna. said...

hahaha klockren jamforelse.

emelie said...



i watch porn with my boyfriend all the time