Naturally, there's a lot of film and its hard picking X favourites. I feel like I've been doing too much shit to post less than 30(plus the two intro ones above). Hence, I'm sorry but this is going to be the longest post ever. I fully understand if you already feel like tuning out. Now, these probably aren't the "best" pictures, they're simply my favourites. Alright, enough with the intro. These are my favourite pictures from 2008:
Me and Linus went to Coachella music festival outside L.A. Our tent was, without a doubt, the smallest thing on that campsite. Including bugs and shit.These are my two London-roomies, Nat and Ghaz. I'm pretty sure Ghaz is a lesbian. Or a vegetarian. Semantics.
This picture pretty much defines the United States of America to me. Fat people with cowboy-hats. Just imagine the water being cheese, and it's dead on.
This might have been one of the cutest NY-girls I've seen all year. She was like a mix of black, white, Kleopatra, God, ice-cream, sports, video-games, and a wet dream.
This one is essential. Meredith looks awesome, and she lives on a boat. Her room is under water. My room officially sucks.
This is a snapshot from my first Nylon shoot. The crew seemed a bit uncomfortable at first with the skinny 21-year old photographer, but they got used to it. I hope.In San Francisco, Sara had just flooded the toilet and gotten pee on her hands. She wanted to share the wealth with Fanny. Fanny thought that was pretty much the worst idea ever.
Me, Linus and Jakob shared one bed at a shady motel in L.A. The toilet worked to a moderate extent. Also, there was only one thing on TV; porn. So we just took turns leaving the room.
We met some random Swedish girls in New York. I had a lot in common with them, actually. The main thing being that none of us looked Swedish.
This is around 5 am on my birthday, Lin rocking out in our living room.
This was when I shot Jandra this summer in London. She was great. She is what would happen if the Queen of Narnia and Arwen from Lord of the Rings ever got down, and decided to create some sort of super-elf. Which would totally be my favourite animal, by the way.
On one of our many road-trips, we decided to stop at Madonna Inn, where some sort of cult had a dance contest. Linus wanted to try the steps, and this extremely horny woman didn't mind showing them to him. Cruel intentions are the best.
This is right before Barack got elected president. Now, I lived between Bed-stuy and Clinton Hill, where the election of a black president was very much appreciated. If you live in San Francisco, it would be the equivalent of Elton John getting married. To George Michael.
Good old Holltron. The cupcake-slut version, a personal favourite.
We drank whiskey, slept for 3 hours and then had a shoot in Soho. Hence, this is pretty much what we were doing when we should have been doing our job. This was also the shoot where I thoroughly explained to everyone in my team that my lighting-director Michael, actually didn't respond to any names, except "Highlander".This is Linus and Anna in Florida, a couple of days before we drove through the Port of Miami, while listening to Rick Ross. I've never seen Jakob that happy. He peaked right there.
Masha just looks awesome in this one, I couldn't help myself. Plus, she's wearing the shirt that me and Linus made.This is not what it looks like. I kinda wish it was. Actually, I bet he's the one who kinda wishes it was.
While completing a road-trip to Key West, there are a number of things you should stay away from, while being intoxicated. All of those things are magic markers.
This picture was taken right before one of the weirdest week-ends of my life started. Unfortunately, I was out of film after this. Say want you want about Coachella, but it's never dull. Also, I've never seen anyone have a less platonic relationship with a hot-dog. Thank you, Sanna.
Snapshot from my cousin's awesome wedding. I can't decide what I loved most. The food and wine, or the fact that I was hanging out with people who love "Common People" as much as I do.If you don't want someone to tattoo the word "kill" on your body, don't be a dog in Berlin.
For those of you who didn't know, this is Charles the bear. If you collaborate with him and still fail to get lucky with the ladies, you're pretty much a lost cause, and should buy World of Warcraft as soon as possible.
2008 was the year I discovered that this is the only way to eat ice-cream.
Have you ever had one of those days when you don't know what to do? Me and Linus had one of those days in London. So we bought a bear costume from China. Who needs a TV.
Speed-drinking yoghurt is a good amount of semi-controlled fun.
The man with an electric wheel-chair and a huge inflatable cock. In no way would that make a worse cartoon than Sponge-Bob Squarepants.
This was when we rowed out and jumped off cliffs in Sweden this summer.
This was during a punk concert on a boat in New York. It was great fun. It actually felt like a genuine concert, as opposed to seeing a smelly french guy with wayfarers, playing a 20 minute marathon-version of D.A.N.C.E. Also, the guy next to me smelled like a nuclear disaster. But at least he couldn't sing.
Anyways, I guess that's it. I still have two more rolls of film to develop from 2008, but I guess I'll have to include them in the 2009 issue. After having looked through all the rolls from Paris, London, Berlin, Sweden, New York, Florida, California etc, I've condluded that this was a truly awesome year. I'd even venture to say it might have been the best one so far. With an emphasis on "so far".
If you want to see my complete snapshot-series from 2008, just go to my website: