Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The beginning of the end and the beginning of the beginning

First of all, worst title ever. It was meant to be really churchill-catchy but I simply do not have the talent to pull it off.

SO, my stay here in NYC is coming to an end. What might my final conclusion be? First things first, not all american people are fat. At least not the cute college girls and let's focus on the people that actually matter when you're 21 and single. Also, don't rip on the following characters:

Justin Timberlake: As cool as a white guy gets, after Tyler Durden.

Al Shepherd: He will bring you down.

George W Bush: It just feels kind of passe and no matter what we say, he hasn't moved for a while. Which basically means that he wins.

Isaiah Tomas: He's doing the best he can. Granted, he's less useful than a model at a pie eating contest.

Peter Jackson: The ending of the last lord of the rings is longer than all of his previous flicks combined. That, my friends, is what's called a build-up.

Michael Jackson: If I had to play doctor with someone, he'd be my guy. I mean, you could mess up and then just re-attach stuff. Pretty cool.

I've managed to side track again. Sorry about that. Anyways, Thanks to everyone here, it's been real. I'll miss you.

big love

// Throbbin Robbin aka Sri Lankan Stallion(as if those exist)

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